WO1 Larry G. Gore was a VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 05/06/2004 at the age of 62.3 from Cancer
Tabor City, NC
Flight Class 67-5
Date of Birth 01/17/1942
Served in the U.S. Army
Served in Vietnam with A/229 AVN 1 CAV in 67-68
This information was provided by Judson Dukes

More detail on this person: Cancer.I am saddened to report the death of CW2 Larry Gene Gore. Born January 17th, 1942, Larry graduated helicopter flight training (WORWAC) in class 67-5. He entered combat action in Vietnam in June, 1967 where he distinguished himself many times while flying with A/229th 1st Air Cavalry. While launching from LZ English in II Corps, he flew headlong into hot LZ's during the battles for LZ Pat and Tam Quan. The 1st Cavalry moved north to I Corps on January 20th, 1968 and right into the middle of TET 1968 and the battle for HUE. Despite torrential monsoon rains, obscured ceilings, and enemy gunfire, Larry never had second thoughts about launching and completing his assigned missions. A/229th had not completed the ongoing battle for HUE when Larry and company did a 'wheel & turn' to lead the entire Cavalry assault into Khe Sanh. On the heals of this battle, again Larry Gore and the 229th entered the battle for the A-Shau Valley where he earned the Distinguished Flying Cross having survived while 22 helicopters were lost to anti-aircraft fire on the first day. Somewhere in the middle of all this, he served as aviation liaison officer from the 1st Air Cavalry to the 101st Airborne as on the onset of their arrival in Vietnam their TO&E was changed from Airborne to Airmobile but somebody forgot to give them many helicopters. This was an intense job for a WO1 as he had to find loose 1st Cavalry helicopter units to not only perform battlefield troop movements, but for Ash & Trash and Charlie-Charlie runs for then 101st commander Colonel Cushman. He tippy-toed through this assignment with the dexterity of a brain surgeon and the finesse of a rear echelon General.

After Vietnam, Larry instructed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia until January 1970. He entered civilian life as an Air Traffic Controller and retired in 2002. After a short battle with cancer, Larry was laid to rest on May 9th in his beloved home town of Tabor City, NC. At his side was his wife of over 30 years Sonya-Jean Gore (OVWC - Original Vietnam Wives Club member) and two sons: Jason Alan Gore & Jonathan Owen Gore. In addition to his DFC, Larry's other awards include Bronze Star and Air Medal with 5 Silver Leaf Clusters.

Having been a very close friend to Larry for 38 years, I and all who knew him will miss his North Carolina drawl and his dry humor. I wonder if they have Hueys in Heaven?

CW2 Tom Johnson

This information was last updated 05/18/2016

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