Battle of Rach Ruong Canal information
for MRF 9 INF
4/47 INF
3/47 INF
From date 671204 to 671205
MRF 9 INF was a US Army unit
4/47 INF was a US Army unit
3/47 INF was a US Army unit
5/VNMC was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Dinh Tuong Province, IV Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Cai Be
Description: While conducted a search and destroy mission as part of CORONADO IX, the 3/47th and 4/47th Inf Bns, 9th Inf Div and 5th Bn VNMC engage the 267yh and 502d VC Bns. Casualties: U.S. 9 KIAs, 89 WIAs; VNMC 40 KIAs, 107 WIAs; 266 enemy KIAs.
The source for this information was Chron P:58
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:
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