Battle at Tam Quan information
for 1 CAV
1/9 CAV 1 CAV
1/50 INF (Mech)

From date 671206 to 671220

1 CAV was a US Army unit
1/9 CAV 1 CAV was a US Army unit
1/50 INF (Mech) was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Operation PERSHING
South Vietnam
Location, Tam Quan
Description: Probably the largest battle during operation PERSHING was the battle at Tam Quan when the 22d NVA Regt stood and fought. They lost 661 known dead to the 1st Cav units; especially the 1/9th Cav plus the 2/8th and 1/12th Infantry.

The 1/50th Infantry (Mech) played a large role in the fighting...including "A" Company (Who came to the rescue of blues from the 1/9th Cav who were pinned down in the initial contact)...our B Company was heavily involved in the following days as was our D Company.

From: Jim Sheppard, 50th Infantry Assn Historian

The source for this information was 1st Team P 154

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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