unit history information
for 7/17 CAV
D/7/17 CAV
1/22 INF

For date 680207

7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
D/7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
1/22 INF was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Kontum Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Kontum
Description: During the period 1 - 7 Feb, the 7/17 Cav Squadron worked in AO's vicinity Kontum, Dak To and northwest of Pleiku city. Delta Troop was on the ground west of Kontum city in support of the 1/22 Inf and fought throughout the battle for the city. The ACTs conducted aerial reconnaissance missions in zones throughout the AO's. During this period the Squadron killed 24 NVA/VC.

The source for this information was HQ 7/17 CAV Qtr Rpt ending 30 Apr 68

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org

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