Army Reporter information
for 173 ABN BDE

For date 680330

173 ABN BDE was a US Army unit
47 ARVN REGT was a Vietnamese Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Phu Yen Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Tuy Hoa
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "US, ARVN Foil VC/NVA Attack" dated 30 Mar 1968. Article includes a map of battle. Elements of the 22d ARVN Inf Div, reinforced by a U.S. armor unit from the 173rd Abn Bde and supported by U.S. Army helicopter gunships and Air Force tactical aircraft successfully repulsed an assault by six NVA and VC companies and killed 218 of the attackers early this month. At 2 a.m. the enemy attacked the positions of a battalion of the 47th ARVN Inf Regt located just north of Tuy Hoa and were repulsed. Two hours later another battalion of the 47th contacted an enemy company moving east about four miles west of the town. At the same time a regimental CP in the northeast section of Tuy Hoa was attacked by an enemy force of unknown size. This attack was also repulsed and the enemy broke away at 6 a.m. At 10 o'clock a troop from the U.S. 16th Armor and an ARVN force attacked from Tuy Hoa to the north-northeast to clear an enemy force from the vicinity of the Tuy Hoa North Airfield. After clearing the airfield, the armor unit remained in that position while the ARVN units pursued the enemy, maintaining contact until 8:30 p.m. when the enemy broke contact. During the entire engagement, the ground forces were supported by Army helicopter gunships and Air Force tactical aircraft. In addition to the 218 enemy killed, 111 individual weapons and 27 crew-served weapons were captured. Twelve prisoners were also taken. U.S. casualties were eight killed and 18 wounded. ARVN casualties were reported as light. Interrogation of prisoners showed that the enemy employed four companies from the 85th Local Force VC Bn and two companies from the 5/95th NVA Regt.

The source for this information was 6803AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines

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