unit history information
for B/7/17 CAV
For date 680424
B/7/17 CAV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
South Vietnam
Description: B/7/17 Cav was back at Kontum city in support of the 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div. During a VR in an area west of Kontum, the observed many new bridges and hard packed, high speed, 6 to 8 foot wide trails. On closer examination the bridges were determined to be able to support 5 ton trucks. Airstrikes and arty were employed against the bridges and many were destroyed. At this point, 15 to 20 NVA were seen and taken under fire with unknown results. The Blues were inserted to develop the situation. The ground element began a sweep east toward the city and make contact with an estimated NVA platoon. The results of the contact were unknown as a radio message was received from the 4th Inf Div G-3 to extract the infantry. Contact was broken and the Blues were extracted back to Kontum city. Three of the aircraft making the extraction received hits from enemy fire. The action resulted in 5 US KIA's, 3 serious enough to be treated at the hospital. Airstrikes were called in against the enemy platoon and AW positions. Prior to departing the AO, artillery was registered so they could fire H&I that night.
The source for this information was B/7/17 CAV 4 Feb 67 - 1 JAN 69 Unit History
Additional information is available on CD-ROM.
Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address: webmaster@vhpa.org
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