Army Reporter information
for 155 AHC

For date 680713

155 AHC was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Darlac Province, II Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Ban Me Thuot
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "155th Co Supports ARVNs" dated 13 July 1968. Since its creation in June of 1965 the 155th AHC has developed a close working relationship with ARVN forces in Vietnam. Last year the 155th flew over 24,000 combat hours, flying 60,000 sorties, carrying 90,000 passengers and 2,800 tons of cargo for ARVN troops. In addition to their supply and troop transport duties, combat assaults are another important mission of the 155th. The 155th's versatility was displayed during the recent Tet offensive when they were notified of heavy contact between enemy and ARVN troops NW of the compound. Flare and gunships were dispatched immediately in response to ARVN request for support. The VC had enough of the 155th when two gunships skimmed under the treetops of a Ban Me Thuot street firing into the buildings on both sides.

The source for this information was 6807AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

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