Army Reporter information
for 23 INF DIV
198 LIB
196 LIB

For date 680803

23 INF DIV was a US Army unit
198 LIB was a US Army unit
196 LIB was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Ngai Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Quang Ngai
Description: The following is an edited version from the weekly Vietnam Communique column in the 3 Aug 1968 issue. Americal Div soldiers killed 124 enemy in a week of heavy fighting in scattered actions throughout their area of operation. Fighting increased in the 198th LIB's OAs as the infantrymen killed seven enemy. An action fought by elements of the 1/52nd Inf and H/17th Cav six miles NE of Quang Ngai resulted in seven enemy killed. Four of the kills were credited to the cavalrymen, who also captured several weapons and a quantity of ammunition. Airstrikes killed two enemy and the infantrymen accounted for one enemy killed. Soldiers of the 196th LIB continued to encounter heavy fighting as they killed 14 enemy in scattered skirmishes. Riflemen of the 3/21st Inf killed six VC soldiers in five separate engagements while conducting reconnaissance missions 11 miles west of Tam Ky. The 3/18th Arty fired on a group of VC seen moving through an open area west of LZ West. Four NVA were killed in the action. A battery from the 3/82nd Arty killed one VC west of the LZ. Three more enemy were killed in widely scattered skirmishes throughout the Bde's OA.

The source for this information was 6808AR.AVN supplied by Les Hines

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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