The VHPA is a social organization only and has no political agenda. Membership is open to all
pilots who flew helicopters in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam era
(1961-1975). Please use the membership application form to submit address changes for the directory and use the comments form to submit other directory changes and updates. In addition to an annual reunion held around July 4th, members keep in touch informally through mini-reunions (local get togethers) throughout the year and through the Internet on VHFCN (http://www.vhfcn.org), Heli-Vets and FaceBook To apply for membership To submit address changes Membership Statistics KIA, DAT and Membership Statistics by State VHPA contact information Reunion Information |
* Note: The Online Membership Directory is now updated each business day at noon central time. During that 30 minutes or so the directory is offline so it is not available for use during the update.
Send mail to webmaster@vhpa.org with
questions or comments about this web site.